Friday, October 2, 2015

Closet Purge

Confessions from a fashion freak.. My entire life I've had a very serious problem of collecting massive amounts clothing. I'm not talking about the essentials and pieces that you end up keeping for years. I buy a lot of "weird shit". Awesomeness, but definitely out loud madness that well lets face it, I can probably do without five 90's floral midi dresses (all with shoulder pads). 

I love my closet and the all its oddities. I'm definitely keeping a few around. The main reason I started this closet purge is because I am moving across the country and well, I was kind of forced to. But it's also something I really have been wanting to challenge myself to. Fashion has always been an expression for me and I see my clothes as a part of my personality. It's not about turning heads, I'm just a weird person so I like to wear weird things. But I think for a lot of us out there that just love to shop we end up with exploding wardrobes that we keep around for way too long. It's hard to get rid of clothes even when you haven't even worn them in ages because you still love them and don't want to send them off to their next life. That's how I feel at least. So selfish! 

But I had to do it. Before I had a full closet and this rolling rack. I got everything down to the rack, scarfs and ties included (shoes is another chapter). I had about 7 bags of clothes I said good bye to. I don't have a car so it took me two days to schlep my orphan clothing around town. I got 100 bucks total and sent the rest to my favorite thrift store around the corner. 

So I'm standing in front of my new wardrobe and I must say, it feels truly liberating. I got dressed this morning and it took me half the time to put together an outfit. I even put another one together while writing this post real quick which I photographed above. I didn't want to admit it before, but my overwhelming wardrobe really stressed me out. Having too much to look at takes your eye away from focusing on the uniqueness of each individual piece. 

I think it's fine to buy things you will only wear once. I know I'll do it again. But being aware of that and making it a habit to constantly filter out your wardrobe is essential. Don't suffocate your closet, let it breath and it will be more amazing than ever. And if you're like me and see your clothing as an extension of yourself (my children!) just remember that they are off on their new journey too the next awesome closet you know they'll end up in. And I'm stoked because I walked into my favorite corner shift store a few days later and it was like my old closet morphed into a cute corner boutique. Made me oh so happy.  

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