Tuesday, October 27, 2015

That one top..

That one top that you can just never get around to tossing out. It's usually not practical and you barely ever wear it, but there's just some type of magic that sparks up every time you get minutely close to saying good bye. For me it's this wonderfully colorful silk floral blouse that I thrifted and was missing it's tag so I really don't know where she came from. What always happens is I decide to wear this top on a random day because I haven't given it another chance in awhile. And every time I decide to do this, I end up realizing how absolutely amazing she truly is. Maybe it's the mix of colors, or the uniquely crafted lines within the flowers, but when I wear this top I just feel remarkably happy. Maybe it's out of style but there's an old soul in there that I just truly connect with. Even if I'm just wrapping her around my waist. 

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