Sunday, October 11, 2015


You know you live in an awesome city when you're constantly discovering hidden gems around corners you never even knew existed. This was one of my last Sunday ventures in Oakland before moving to NYC. I'm a tad bit behind on posts because of the chaos of moving. It's nice to sit down and look back at me skipping around some of my favorite old spots in the city I lived in for a year. The colorful landscape of Oakland is endless. There's always something new or a new creation in the works. On Sundays the streets of downtown Oakland are strangely empty, which I guess most would assume makes it a lame place to be but for me its a haven. I get to do cartwheels in the streets and jump up on empty fountains (which I got yelled at by a security guard for). An area populated with people is of course lively and exciting, but so is being free to roam in an abandoned (but not really) urban jungle. I've been in NYC now for a week and I definitely miss this place already. Oakland will always have a special place in my heart. Knowing nothing about it when I got there and discovering probably not even a quarter of it's magic, this chapter of my life is always be undoubtedly unique. 

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